Control and Coordination | Class 10 Science NCERT Guess CBSE Questions Bank


CBSE Questions Bank - CBSE Hot Questions - NCERT Guess Questions

Class 10 Science, Control and Coordination

One mark questions
01. What is control?
02. Define coordination.
03. What are the structural and functional units of nervous system?
04. Name the box in which the brain is situated.
05. Name the parts of mid-brain.
06. What is neurotransmitter?
07. What is synapse?
08. What is reflex action?
09. Where are Nissal granules located?
10. Define autonomic nervous system.
11. Name the largest and the second largest parts of the brain.
12. Name the fluid that protects the brain from mechanical shock.
13. Define reflex arc.
14. What is brain stem?
15. Name the cavity present in the spinal chord.
16. Define interneuron.
17. What is an afferent neuron?
18. What are meninges?
19. Which nervous system will sensitize the smooth muscles?
20. What type of coordination is present in plants?
21. Define nastic movements.
22. Define phototropism.
23. What is geotropism?
24. Name the process by which a plant bends towards light.
25. What are auxins?
26. Give one example of chemotropism.
27. What are gibberellins?
28. Name a plant hormone, which is essential for cell division.
29. Name a gaseous plant hormone.
30. Which hormone prevents senescence?
31. What is the name of fruits, which release ethylene during their ripening?
32. Who coined the term ‘Hormone’?
33. What are endocrine glands?
34. What disease is caused by the deficiency of ADH?
35. Name the master endocrine gland of human body.
36. What is the largest endocrine gland of human body?
37. Name the endocrine glands which occur in pair.
38. Where is the pituitary gland located?
39. What is emergency hormone?
40. Which hormone controls the basal metabolic rate?
41. Which part of the brain regulates respiration?

CBSE Questions Bank - CBSE Hot Questions - NCERT Guess Questions

two marks questions
01. What type of movements occurs in response to change in environment?
02. Why is reflex action required in certain situations?
03. Describe the various lobes of cranium and give their functions.
04. Discuss the structure and function of cerebellum.
05. Distinguish a reflex action from walking.
06. What is the role of spinal chord or brain in reflex action?
07. What is involuntary nervous system?
08. Differentiate between endocrine glands and exocrine glands.
09. Name four hormones produced by hypothalamus.
10. Name four hormones produced by pituitary glands.
11. What is a master gland?
12. Why is the adrenaline called emergency hormone?
13. What is the role of insulin?
14. What is neuron?
15. What are phytohormones?
16. Which signal will get disrupted in case of spinal chord injury?
17. Describe how hormones maintain an optimum concentration in blood.

CBSE Questions Bank - CBSE Hot Questions - NCERT Guess Questions

three marks questions
01. Compare the functioning of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system of any four organs.
02. What is the role of brain in reflex action?
03. What is a plant hormone? Name and categorize them in into growth promoters, growth inhibitor and dual function hormones.
04. How do auxins promote growth of a tendril around a support?
05. How does a chemical coordination takes place in animals?
06. Why is the use of iodized salt is advisable?
07. How does our body respond when adrenaline is secreted in our blood?
08. Why are some patients of diabetes treated by injecting insulin?
09. What is the function of receptors in our body?
10. How are involuntary actions different from reflex actions in our body?

CBSE Questions Bank - CBSE Hot Questions - NCERT Guess Questions

five marks questions
01. Draw a labeled diagram of human brain.
02. Explain the structure of brain.
03. Set up an experiment to demonstrate phototropism.
04. What are plant hormones? Describe the one which inhibits the growth. Also discuss its functions.
05. What are tropic movements? Explain with suitable examples.
06. What are hormones? Describe their characteristics.
07. Design an experiment to demonstrate hydrotropism.
08. Draw the structure of a neuron and explain its function.
09. What is the need of a system of control and coordination in an organism?
10. What is reflex action? Give its two examples. Illustrate the pathway followed by a message from the receptor in a reflex arc. 


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